Greeting cards application icon

Greeting Cards

for iPhone and iPod Touch

Greeting Cards app screenshot

Forgotten to send some postcards to your family and friends for christmas or new year or their birthdays? Ok, no problem, send them emails...

But not only some simple text  mails...



It's really simple:

Choose from more than 25 templates. Type in up to three lines of personal text. Save the card to your photo album. Open the photo album, select your designed card and send it per email.


Landscapes Calendar application icon

Landscapes Calendar 2009

for iPhone and iPod Touch

Landscapes Calendar app screenshot

Feeling bored with usual calendar applications? Ever wanted to have something special, exciting, pleasing, something like a portable wall calendar?

Landscapes Calendar 2009 brings to you 64 high quality landscape views as calendar sheets. 16 thematically arranged  photographs per season in random order lets you discover another secret beauty of the bavarian landscapes each time you dive into it.


Available in the AppStore, get it now!



For questions concerning the apps on iPhone or iPod Touch feel free to send an email request to


Greeting cards startup screen


Landscapes Calendar startup screen


More beautifull pictures of landscapes and nature and free wallpapers at